15 September 2007

busy, busy

It's been a while since my last post as life seems to be overtaking my time to blog. Memorial day brought family to town for a visit. We all ended up at mom's house to eat and spend time together. We also visited the local waterpark and had a blast riding all the slides we could find. Later on my brother astounded us with feats of strength!

In July went on the high school missions trip with our youth group from church. This year the group headed to Jamaica. We built a house for a pastor there and ran vacation bible school (VBS) for a week. In the rural community where we went to build the parsonage, pastors rotate through or visit sporadically while staying with local congregation members as there is no where for these pastors to stay. So we decided to go and build a two room house in order to plant a pastor in a church! We went with members of our 'sister' church in all there were 36 of us.

I was part of the VBS group and got to organize the games for VBS. The theme was 'SCUBA' which was an acronym for Super Cool Underwater Bible Adventures. So my games centered around the Bible verses and concepts we were teaching and I tried to name them something to do with animals found in the ocean or Bible characters. The pic below is of the Jonah boat races where is each child has a bowl, a cotton ball (Jonah), and a straw. They put Jonah in boat and use the straw to be the wind and race their boats against one another without blowing Jonah overboard.

The kids loved it as they were quite a distance from the ocean up in the hills. I think they loved playing in the water more than anything. Me too!

Oh, yeah, I found a new job, too. I started right before I left for Jamaica. I've been at the new hospital for two months and, get this, I'm the boss!!